EDUCATION Guest speaker Kevin McNamara addresses the membership CULTURE Pajtáši performing at the Sv. Mikuláš party TRADITION Svätý Mikuláš handing out gifts FELLOWSHIP Pirohy making event FAMILY Father and son working together

Slovak American Society of Washington DC

The SASW is a social, cultural, and educational institution for Slovak-Americans, Slovak émigrés, and anyone with an interest in Slovakia.

Recent News

SASW & FOS Annual Picnic – Sunday, May 19, 2024

SASW & FOS Annual Picnic Sunday, May 19, 2024  Arlington Knights of Columbus 5115 Little Falls [...]

SASW Speakers’ Series: Immigration and Urbanization – The Slovak Experience, 1870-1918 – Saturday, May 18, 2024

“Revisiting the Classics: Immigration and Urbanization – The Slovak Experience, 1870-1918” by M. Mark Stolarik Professor [...]


A Recording of “A Magnet for Talent: How Slovakia Chose to Tackle Its Brain-Drain Problem” is now available on YouTube.

A recording of our recent Speakers’ Series presentation, “A Magnet for Talent: How Slovakia Chose [...]